Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a humble farmer named John. John was known for his hard work and kind heart, but he was often troubled by his neighbor, Mr. Rich, who was greedy and always looking to get ahead at the expense of others.

One sunny morning, John noticed a peculiar bird with shimmering feathers perched on the branch of his favorite tree. The bird had a golden egg in its beak, and it fluttered down to the ground in front of John. The egg was unlike any egg John had ever seen, and it seemed to glow with an inner light.

Curious, John took the egg home and placed it in a basket. As the days passed, the egg began to grow, and soon it hatched into a magnificent golden chick. The chick was not only beautiful but also incredibly wise and knew the secrets of the universe.

The golden chick spoke to John and said, “Dear John, you have been a good and honest man, and as a reward, I will grant you one wish. What is it that you desire most?”

John thought for a moment and replied, “I wish for enough wealth to help my fellow villagers and to ensure that no one goes hungry or in need.”

The golden chick nodded and said, “Your wish is granted. From this day forward, your crops will always yield a bountiful harvest, and your generosity will be rewarded.”

John was overjoyed and immediately shared his newfound wealth with the villagers. He built a community center, provided food for the poor, and helped those in need. The village flourished, and John’s kindness spread far and wide.

Meanwhile, Mr. Rich, who had watched John’s prosperity with envy, decided to wish for something for himself. He approached the golden chick and said, “I wish for all the wealth in the world.”

The golden chick, with a knowing smile, granted Mr. Rich’s wish. But as the riches began to pile up, Mr. Rich found that they brought him no happiness. He was constantly worried about losing his wealth, and his greed led to his downfall. The villagers shunned him, and Mr. Rich lived in loneliness and despair.

The moral of the story is that true happiness comes not from the accumulation of wealth, but from the joy of helping others and living a life of integrity.