Title: Kong Rong Shares the Pear
Kong Rong (Kong Rong)
His younger brother (His Younger Brother)
Mother (Mother)
Narrator (Narrator)
Setting: The living room of Kong Rong’s home
Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a wise and respectful young boy named Kong Rong. He lived with his mother and his younger brother. One day, they received a basket of pears from a neighbor.
“Kong Rong, Kong Rong, look at these beautiful pears! We should share them with your brother.”
(Kong Rong)
“Yes, Mother, but which one should I give to my brother?”
(His Younger Brother)
“Big brother, let me choose the pears myself!”
(Kong Rong)
“No, no, little brother. It’s my duty to make the decision. I should give you the biggest and best pear.”
(His Younger Brother)
“But Kong Rong, you are the oldest. Shouldn’t you get the biggest pear?”
(Kong Rong)
“No, little brother. Age does not determine who gets the biggest pear. It’s about being considerate and respectful. I should give you the biggest one because you are younger and need it more.”
“You are so wise, Kong Rong. That’s the spirit of a good brother.”
(Kong Rong)
“Thank you, Mother. It’s important to think of others before ourselves.”
(His Younger Brother)
“Thank you, big brother! You are the best brother ever!”
And so, Kong Rong’s act of selflessness and respect became a story that was told for generations, teaching people the value of kindness and consideration for others.
(The end)
(As the story concludes, the characters exit the stage, leaving the audience with a sense of moral uplift and the memory of Kong Rong’s selfless act.)