Title: Kong Rong’s Generosity with Pears
Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a young boy named Kong Rong. He was known for his intelligence and kindness. Kong Rong lived with his parents and had several brothers and sisters.
One day, Kong Rong’s father bought a basket of pears from the market. As they were eating the pears, Kong Rong noticed that one of the pears was particularly large and shiny. He thought to himself, “This pear is so big and beautiful; it must be the best one in the basket.”
Kong Rong knew that his brothers and sisters were also eager to have a taste of the delicious pears. He wanted to share the best pear with them, but he wasn’t sure how to do it fairly.
After pondering for a moment, Kong Rong had an idea. He said to his parents and siblings, “I have a plan. Let’s play a game. The one who can tell the best story about the pear will get to eat the big, shiny pear.”
His brothers and sisters were excited to participate. They began to share their stories, each trying to outdo the other. Kong Rong, however, remained quiet and thoughtful.
As the others continued to speak, Kong Rong’s mother noticed that he was not joining in. She asked, “Kong Rong, why aren’t you telling a story?”
Kong Rong replied, “Mom, I think the best story is the one that shows kindness and sharing. I want to give the big, shiny pear to someone who needs it more than I do.”
His parents and siblings were surprised by Kong Rong’s generosity. They realized that he was more concerned about the happiness of others than his own desires.
Kong Rong’s father said, “You are a true gentleman, Kong Rong. Your kindness and selflessness will always be remembered.”
From that day on, Kong Rong’s story of generosity with pears became famous throughout the land. People learned that true wisdom and kindness come from the heart, and that sharing is a virtue to be cherished.
And so, Kong Rong’s act of selflessness taught his family and friends the importance of compassion and the joy of giving. The story of Kong Rong’s generosity with pears continues to inspire people to this day.