“La Fontaine’s Fables” is a collection of French fables written by Jean de La Fontaine, and many of them feature the character of Reynard the Fox, who is a clever and cunning character often depicted as the antagonist. Here’s an English translation of one of the more famous fables featuring Reynard:

The Fox and the Crow

Once upon a time, a Crow found a piece of cheese and carried it away to a high tree to eat it in peace. As she sat there, a Fox below noticed the cheese and thought of a way to get it.

He began to praise the Crow’s beautiful song, saying, “Oh, what a delightful voice you have! Your songs are so sweet that they could make the stars twinkle in the sky. I wish I could hear you sing again.”

The Crow was flattered and opened her beak to sing. But as she did, the cheese fell from her beak and dropped to the ground.

The Fox quickly pounced on the cheese and began to eat it. The Crow was left with nothing but her disappointment.

“Ah, you cunning Fox!” she exclaimed. “You praised my voice to make me sing and then stole my cheese!”

The Fox replied, “My dear Crow, you should never trust flattery. It often comes with a hidden agenda.”

This is just one of many fables featuring Reynard the Fox. The stories are timeless and have been translated into numerous languages, including English.