The Story of Breaking Through the Wall to Steal Light

In ancient China, there was a young man named Yu You, who was born into a poor family. Despite his humble background, Yu You was extremely intelligent and passionate about learning. However, his family could not afford to send him to school or buy him books.

One day, Yu You noticed that his neighbor had a wall that separated their houses. On the other side of the wall, there was a bright light coming from the neighbor’s home, which was lit by a lamp. Seeing this, Yu You thought of a way to study even though he couldn’t attend school.

He began to dig a hole in the wall, small enough to fit through but large enough to allow light to pass through. Every night, Yu You would sit by the hole, the light from the lamp illuminating the wall and casting a beam of light into his room. With this light, he would study until late into the night.

Years passed, and Yu You’s determination and hard work paid off. He became one of the most educated and respected scholars in his region. His story of breaking through the wall to steal light became a symbol of perseverance and the power of self-education.

This tale, known as “Breaking Through the Wall to Steal Light,” has been passed down through generations, inspiring countless individuals to pursue knowledge and success, regardless of the obstacles they may face.