Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a clever fox named Felix. Felix was known for his cunning ways and his ability to outsmart anyone. One day, he heard about a contest being held in the nearby forest, where the winner would receive a magnificent, golden apple.

Felix decided he would enter the contest, but he knew that the other animals in the forest were also very clever. He needed a plan to win. One evening, as he was walking through the forest, he met an old, wise owl named Oliver.

“Hello, Felix,” said Oliver. “I see you’re off to the contest. Do you have a plan?”

“Yes, I do,” replied Felix. “But I was wondering if you could give me some advice.”

Oliver nodded and said, “Of course. Remember, the key to winning is not just being clever, but also being fair and honest.”

Felix thanked Oliver and continued on his way. As he reached the contest area, he saw a large tree with a golden apple hanging from its branches. Below the tree were several other animals, all eager to win the prize.

The contest rules were simple: the first animal to climb the tree and pick the apple would win. Felix noticed that the apple was out of reach for all the animals, except for a small squirrel named Sammy, who was very agile.

Felix had an idea. He approached Sammy and said, “Sammy, I see you’re the only one who can reach the apple. But I have a plan. If you help me win, I promise to share the apple with you.”

Sammy, being a clever squirrel himself, agreed. Together, they climbed the tree and reached the apple. Sammy picked it and handed it to Felix, who then climbed down and shared the apple with Sammy.

The other animals were amazed and admired Felix and Sammy for their teamwork and fairness. The contest judge, a wise old deer named Daisy, declared them the winners.

From that day on, Felix and Sammy became the best of friends, and the village learned a valuable lesson: sometimes, the best way to win is by working together and being honest.

And so, the moral of the story is: “Cleverness and teamwork can lead to success, but always remember to be fair and honest in your dealings with others.”