
  1. 伊索寓言(Aesop’s Fables)

    • 《狐狸和葡萄》(The Fox and the Grapes)

    • 《乌鸦和狐狸》(The Crow and the Fox)

    • 《农夫和蛇》(The Farmer and the Snake)

    • 《龟兔赛跑》(The Tortoise and the Hare)

  2. 中国古代寓言

    • 《守株待兔》(Waiting for the Fox to Come to the Fence)

    • 《画蛇添足》(Adding a Foot to a Snake)

    • 《掩耳盗铃》(Covering One’s Ears to Steal a Bell)

  3. 希腊寓言

    • 《北风与太阳》(The North Wind and the Sun)

    • 《农夫与海神》(The Farmer and Poseidon)

  4. 印度寓言

    • 《猫头鹰和乌鸦》(The Owl and the Crow)

    • 《国王和盲人》(The King and the Blind Men)

  5. 阿拉伯寓言

    • 《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》(Alibaba and the Forty Thieves)

    • 《盲人和大象》(The Blind Men and the Elephant)

  6. 欧洲其他国家的寓言

    • 《狐狸和葡萄》(The Fox and the Grapes)——源自法国

    • 《狐狸和葡萄》(The Fox and the Grapes)——源自德国
