Once upon a time, in the ancient Chinese city of Jin, there lived a young boy named Sima Guang. He was known for his intelligence and quick thinking.

One sunny afternoon, Sima Guang was playing with his friends in the courtyard of his home. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream coming from the neighbor’s house. Running over, they found out that a small child had fallen into a large, empty well.

The well was too deep for the children to reach the child, and they were in a panic. The child was crying and struggling to climb out, but it was impossible for them to help.

Sima Guang, however, thought quickly. He noticed an old, large water jar nearby. He picked it up and rushed to the well. With great effort, he managed to roll the jar down the hillside and into the well.

The jar landed with a loud crash at the bottom of the well. The child, who was still crying, heard the sound and stopped struggling. He looked down and saw the jar, which was now filled with water. The child realized that he could climb up the jar to safety.

With a big smile, the child climbed up the jar and out of the well. The other children cheered and praised Sima Guang for his cleverness.

From that day on, Sima Guang was known as the “Boy Who Saved the Child” and his clever solution to the problem became a famous story in China. It was said that he had saved the child by using his intelligence and quick thinking, and that he had taught others the importance of problem-solving and creativity.

And so, the story of Sima Guang and the well became a legend, passed down from generation to generation, reminding people of the power of intelligence and the importance of thinking outside the box.