The story of Sima Guang smashing the jar is a classic Chinese tale that illustrates wisdom and bravery. Here is a simplified English version of the story:
Once upon a time, in the ancient city of Jin, there was a young boy named Sima Guang. One day, while playing with his friends in the courtyard, they saw a little girl fall into a large, deep jar that had been accidentally left open. The girl was unable to climb out and was in great danger of drowning.
The other children were too young and scared to help, but Sima Guang, with his quick thinking and bravery, knew what to do. He rushed to find a large stone, which he then used to smash the jar into pieces. The girl was able to climb out safely, and everyone praised Sima Guang for his clever and heroic act.
This story has become a symbol of wisdom and courage, and Sima Guang is remembered as a young genius who saved a life with his ingenuity.
This is a simplified and abridged version of the story. The original tale is much more detailed and has been passed down through generations in China.